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SMART Center Pro SharpShooter Trading System
To learn more about this system,
Call 312.987.0043 or Email us» . |
Developer: TradeGuider LTD, London UK |
Market Sector: | Diversified / Multiple |
Markets Traded: | |
System Type: | Day Trading |
Risk per Trade: | varies, but $250 typical |
Trading Rules: | Fully Disclosed |
Suggested Capital: | $10,000 |
System Cost: | $249.00 Monthly Subscription |
Results Available?: | Contact us for Info |
System Description: | Wyckoff / Volume Spread Analysis Smart Money Tracker system leverages a robust 100+ year old method developed by Richard Wyckoff to identify trading opportunities on a chart using the trading volume of an instrument and the price spread of a bar for that instrument. Video for additional details can be found at |
Systems Evaluation