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X NQ Trading System
To learn more about this system,
Call 800.669.8838/312.987.0043 or Email us» . |
Developer: Harbor Strategies |
Market Sector: | Stock Indexes |
Markets Traded: | |
System Type: | Swing Trading |
Risk per Trade: | Varies |
Trading Rules: | Not Disclosed |
Suggested Capital: | $30,000 |
System Cost: | $100.00 Monthly Subscription |
Results Available?: | Contact us for Info |
System Description: | Alpha Market Breadth was developed in 2012 and remains mainly unchanged until today. This strategy is different from other swing/reversion to the mean strategies in that it relies on market breadth indicators. It is opportunistic in nature therefore highly selective in the trades it takes, resulting in about a dozen trades per, year yielding a high percentage of wining trades. The developer trades this system in his own portfolio. For full description and performance statistics please visit: |
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